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Sanchez is Driven by Demons


(from Kylie Minogue's i should be so lucky)

in my imagination
there is no complication
i dream about you all the time

in my mind a celebration
the sweetest of sensation
thinking you could be mine

in my imagination
there is no hesitation
we walk together hand in hand

you fell in love with me
like i'm in love with you
but dreaming's all i do
if only they'd come true

i should be so lucky
so lucky in love

it's a crazy situation
you always keep me waiting
because its only make believe

and i would come a-running
to give you all my loving
if one day you would notice me

my heart is close to breaking
and i can't go on faking
the fantasy that you'll be mine

that you're in love with me
like i'm in love with you
but dreaming's all i do
if only they'd come true

i should be so lucky
so lucky in love